“How Star Collisions Forge the Universe’s Heaviest Elements”, by Sanjana Curtis, Scientific American
December 15, 2022

Scientists have new evidence about how cosmic cataclysms forge gold, platinum and other heavy members of the periodic table
Meet new KICP Fellow: Erin Healy
December 15, 2022

I am an experimental cosmologist building technology to probe the structure and origins of the universe.
Congratulations to Edgar Marrufo Villalpando!
December 8, 2022

Edgar Marrufo Villalpando, graduate student, won the 2022 DOE Graduate Instrumentation Research Award (GIRA).
Meet new Associate KICP Fellow: Giulia Giannini
November 16, 2022

I am a postdoctoral researcher working with Prof. Chihway Chang and Prof. Josh Frieman. I am heavily involved in the Dark Energy Survey (DES) collaboration, studying large scale structure using weak gravitational lensing. In particular, during my PhD I have been focusing in calibrating the redshift distributions of both the background and foreground galaxy samples used for the weak lensing analysis of the first three years of DES data.
Meet new Associate KICP Fellow: Claire Guepin
November 7, 2022

I am interested in astroparticle physics, plasma physics, and multi-messenger astronomy. I study compact sources and transient events, such as neutron stars, or tidal disruption events.
Meet new KICP Fellow: Hayley Macpherson
November 3, 2022

My research lies at the intersection of cosmology and general relativity, most of the time involving simulations. Usually, our cosmological simulations of large-scale structure formation make assumptions about the nature of gravity and space-time. These simulations are extremely important to our understanding of the Universe in regimes we cannot access analytically.
“Discovering the highest energy particles from the top of the Greenland Ice Sheet”, PSD spotlight
October 27, 2022

Prof. Abigail Vieregg and her students build instruments to detect the highest energy neutrinos.
Congratulations to Abigail Vieregg
October 27, 2022

Abigail Vieregg received a Moore Foundation Experimental Physics Investigators Initiative Award for instrumentation development to advance the detection of the highest energy neutrinos.
KICP Senior Member Marcela Carena has been named a DOE Office of Science Distinguished Scientist Fellow
October 26, 2022

Dr. Marcela Carena of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory – Honored “for leadership and influential contributions to particle physics, including novel theoretical ideas and strategies for HEP experiments related to the Higgs boson, dark matter and electroweak baryogenesis, and promoting Latin American participation in DOE-hosted experiments.”
Meet new KICP Fellow: Thomas Callister
October 24, 2022

I work broadly within the realm of gravitational-wave astronomy. Nearly infinitesimal ripples in the fabric of spacetime, gravitational waves are generated by the most cataclysmic events in the Universe, including the explosions of stars and the relativistic collisions of black holes.
Meet new KICP Fellow: Christoph Welling
October 10, 2022

I work on the detection of ultra-high energy neutrinos by measuring the radio signals that are emitted when they interact in glacial ice in Greenland or Antarctica.
Meet new Associate KICP Fellow: Matthew R. Young
September 26, 2022

Ph.D., Astrophysics, University of Toronto, 2021
Meet new Associate KICP Fellow: Zhijie Qu
September 21, 2022

Research: Circumgalactic Medium and Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium; Quasar Absorption Lines; X-ray and Sunyaev–Zeldovich Effect.
Meet new Associate KICP Fellow: Akhil Premkumar
September 21, 2022

I work on field theoretic aspects of de Sitter (dS) space, and its relation to the physics of inflation.
“Black hole collisions could help us measure how fast the universe is expanding”, UChicago News, by Louise Lerner
August 16, 2022

In their new paper, Holz and first author Jose María Ezquiaga suggest that they can use our newfound knowledge about the whole population of black holes as a calibration tool.