Contact: Kayla Kornoelje
Lifelong Learning (L3) is a program for older adults motivated by the fact that 20% of the US population will be over age 65 in 2030. The L3 program provides intellectual and social stimulation through a series of interactive lectures at venues around the city. The program participants are adults over age 55, an often-underserved population, especially in the neighboring communities around UChicago that we target.
The L3 program builds upon a pilot program designed and carried out by former Associate Fellow Daniel Grin. To ensure that L3 reaches its target audiences, we have developed partnerships with the Chicago Public Libraries, senior centers, and local retirement communities. The variety of viewpoints and perspectives of these audiences, often strongly expressed, also benefits the participating Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP) and University scientists by broadening their world view and improving their communication skills.
If you're a physics or astronomy student, postdoc or faculty member and would like to volunteer to give talks, or if you'd like to host talks from the L3 program in your community, please contact us at