KICP and Einstein Fellow

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Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2022
Jessica Zebrowski's research centers on understanding cosmic acceleration. She is interested in developing mm-wave instrumentation and data analysis techniques to build pioneering line intensity mapping experiments. These experiments will constrain cosmology by mapping the evolution of large-scale structure over time. This will fill in the gap in cosmic history between the CMB and near-time optical measurements and lead to new constraints on dark energy, inflation, and beyond. Currently, she is working with a small team to design and integrate SPT-SLIM, a pathfinder mm-wave line intensity mapping experiment with the potential for a first detection of the CO power spectrum. SPT-SLIM utilizes new spectrometer technology which will allow line intensity mapping telescopes to be scaled to the sensitivity needed for cosmological surveys, and will begin taking data in the 2024-25 Austral summer at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. Additionally, she directs the data analysis efforts for TIM, the Terahertz Intensity Mapper, a balloon-borne line intensity mapping experiment, scheduled to launch in 2027. Outside of LIM, she is interested in constraining inflationary gravitational waves with the CMB.