As a research institute in the University's Physical Sciences Division, graduate students from multiple departments (predominantly Astronomy and Astrophysics and Physics) participate in research within the KICP. Students are involved in all aspects of every KICP research initiative and are valued members of the KICP community. In addition to the many research opportunities available at the KICP, students particpate in the institute's lively Education and Outreach activities and attend the many Seminars, Colloquia, and Workshops hosted by the KICP.
Prospective students wishing to participate in the KICP's exciting program of research should apply to a University academic department to become students at the University. Most students come to the KICP through Astronomy and Astrophysics or Physics.

KICP Graduate Student (left; now graduated) Bjorn Scholz and present KICP Fellow Grayson Rich (right) work with the COHERENT detector.