

“New metamaterials for studying the oldest light in the universe”, by Brianna Barbu, FermiLab News

February 17, 2021

Jeff McMahon and his team have developed new techniques for working with curved lenses instead of flat silicon wafers for CMB telescope lenses.

Interview with Dan Hooper “What happened at the big bang?”, New Scientist

February 5, 2021

For Dan Hooper, head of theoretical astrophysics at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Chicago, solving these questions involves radically rethinking what we think we know about the universe’s very early history.
Interviewed by Richard Webb, Executive Editor, New Scientist at the Royal Institution, London in Feb 2020.

Joshua Frieman named Fellow of the American Astronomical Society

February 5, 2021

Citation: "Joshua Frieman (Fermilab / University of Chicago): For significant theoretical work on inflationary cosmology and dark energy and for pioneering contributions to optical survey science."

NASA selects PUEO to Study Universe’s Secrets

January 11, 2021

PUEO is a balloon mission designed to launch from Antarctica that will detect signals from ultra-high energy neutrinos, particles that contain valuable clues about the highest energy astrophysical processes, including the creation of black holes and neutron star mergers. Neutrinos travel across the universe undisturbed, carrying information about events billions of light years away. PUEO would be the most sensitive survey of cosmic ultra-high energy neutrinos ever conducted. The principal investigator is Abigail Vieregg of the University of Chicago.

Joel Fuentes was selected as 2020–21 Radix Trading Fellow

January 5, 2021

His work involves exploiting superheated liquid techniques in sensitive bubble chambers for direct dark matter detection experiments.

Ti-Lin Chou was selected as 2020–21 Radix Trading Fellow

January 5, 2021

He studies cosmology, where he analyzes the faint microwave signal coming from the beginning of our universe to help answer questions in fundamental physics.

Gourav Khullar was selected as 2020–21 Radix Trading Fellow

January 5, 2021

As a sixth year PhD candidate in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Gourav studies the formation and evolution of galaxies in distant galaxy clusters, using data from ground- and space-based telescopes.

“Ripples in space-time could provide clues to missing components of the universe”, UChicago News

January 1, 2021

UChicago scientist lays out how LIGO gravitational waves could be scrambled, yielding information.
“Gravitational waves are the perfect messenger to see these possible modifications of gravity, if they exist.”—Astrophysicist Jose María Ezquiaga


Prof. John E. Carlstrom named 2020 AAAS Fellow

December 2, 2020

John E. Carlstrom, Chair and the Subramanyan Chandrasekhar Distinguished Service Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics, is a leading figure in the study of the cosmic microwave background—the light left over from the first few moments of the universe, has been named a 2020 AAAS Fellow.

Meet new KICP associate fellow:  Yuuki Omori

October 7, 2020

I have worked extensively with both the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and the Dark Energy Survey(DES) collaborations in the past years, and I am currently the contact person for many of the projects that involve both collaborations. I am additionally the acting organizer for the joint telecons, and I am planning to continue serving as the bridge between the two collaborations.

Meet new KICP associate fellow:  Susmita Adhikari

October 7, 2020

My work over the past few years has focussed mainly on cluster scale physics from a theoretical and observational perspective.

Congratulations to Grayson Rich

October 7, 2020

He has accepted a position as a Consultant at Bain & Company in Chicago, and in this capacity he will focus on strategy and management.

Two $5 million gifts to support Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, name directorship for Prof. David N. Schramm

September 29, 2020

The Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP) has secured $10 million in new funding through two gifts: a $5 million gift from an anonymous alumnus and his wife and a match of $5 million from The Kavli Foundation. The first gift will name the directorship of the Institute in memory of Prof. David N. Schramm, a legendary professor of theoretical astrophysics at the University of Chicago.

Meet new KICP associate fellow: Anowar Shajib

September 22, 2020

My principle research interest is gravitational lensing and observational cosmology. I am currently working with Professor Tommaso Treu on time-delay cosmography.

Meet new KICP fellow: Keisuke Inomata

September 22, 2020

My research interests lie in Cosmology. So far, I have studied the early Universe in terms of primordial black holes (PBHs), gravitational waves (GWs), cosmic microwave background (CMB), and big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN).