Congratulations to Dr. Qing Yang (Amy) Tang
June 18, 2021
Congratulations to Qing Yang (Amy) Tang for successfully defending her Ph.D. dissertation on "Development of Kinetic Inductance Detectors for mm and sub-mm Observations".
Congratulations to Evan McDonough!
June 14, 2021
Evan has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Winnipeg. He will start his new position in the fall, do wish him well!
Congratulations to Daniel Baxter!
June 10, 2021
Daniel has accepted a position as an Associate Scientist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory . He will start his new position in August, do wish him well.
“Solving the biggest mysteries of our universe, with Dan Hooper”, UChicago News
June 3, 2021
Cosmologist discusses what happened after the Big Bang, ‘breaking’ the Standard Model of Physics
Congratulations to Chihway Chang, Brian Nord, and Lindsey Bleem
May 27, 2021
Congratulation to the winners of the Department of Energy Early Career Awards: Chihway Chang, Brian Nord, and Lindsey Bleem.
Congratulations to Dr. Nora Shipp
May 20, 2021
Congratulations to Nora Shipp for successfully defending her Ph.D. dissertation on "Discovery & Modeling of Milky Way Stellar Streams".
“Jumping the Gap to Probe Large Black Holes”, by Susanna Kohler, AAS
May 11, 2021
Ezquiaga and Holz use the statistics of past black-hole binary detections and predictions of the capabilities of current and future gravitational-wave detectors to estimate what’s in store for us in terms of far-side black holes.
Meet new KICP Fellow: Hayden Lee
March 26, 2021
He will be joining us in the fall from Harvard University. He received his PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Cambridge.
Meet new KICP Fellow: Patricio Gallardo
March 19, 2021
Meet the KICP Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Patricio Gallardo.
He will be joining us in the fall from Cornell University, where he received his PhD in Physics and currently serves as a Postdoctoral Researcher.
Welcome to KICP, Patricio!
Meet new KICP Fellow: Anastasia Sokolenko
March 12, 2021
Meet the KICP Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Anastasia Sokolenko.
She will be joining us in the fall from HEPHY (Austrian Academy of Sciences), Vienna. She received her PhD at the University of Oslo where she studied Theoretical Physics.
Welcome to KICP, Anastasia!
Meet Inaugural Brinson Prize Fellow: Ani Chiti
March 4, 2021
Meet the Inaugural Brinson Prize Fellow, Ani Chiti.
He will be joining us in the fall from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he studied observational astrophysics.
Welcome to KICP, Ani!
Meet new KICP associate fellow: Francisco Javier Sanchez Lopez
February 22, 2021
My research interests include a number of topics in cosmology. I have been involved in The Dark Energy Survey collaboration. I used DES data to develop my PhD. thesis work. I have been computing angular two point auto and cross correlation functions. Also, I have been developing with my collaborators methods to extract the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) scale relying on observable quantities only. I am interested in large-scale structure of the Universe, in galaxy-galaxy clustering and General Relativity. Moreover, I have a great interest in high energy physics, theoretical and experimental.
“New metamaterials for studying the oldest light in the universe”, by Brianna Barbu, FermiLab News
February 17, 2021
Jeff McMahon and his team have developed new techniques for working with curved lenses instead of flat silicon wafers for CMB telescope lenses.
Interview with Dan Hooper “What happened at the big bang?”, New Scientist
February 5, 2021
For Dan Hooper, head of theoretical astrophysics at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Chicago, solving these questions involves radically rethinking what we think we know about the universe’s very early history.
Interviewed by Richard Webb, Executive Editor, New Scientist at the Royal Institution, London in Feb 2020.
Joshua Frieman named Fellow of the American Astronomical Society
February 5, 2021
Citation: "Joshua Frieman (Fermilab / University of Chicago): For significant theoretical work on inflationary cosmology and dark energy and for pioneering contributions to optical survey science."